Sunday, January 22, 2012

What Makes A Man Sexy To A Woman?

What Makes a Man Sexy to a Woman?

Jana Raven

I pity the multitudes of poor men who have gotten it wrong for ages. Whoever sent the memo that men need to be tall and hunky or rich as a sultan for a woman to find them sexy was either woefully misinformed or having fun at men's expense. There are so many things a man can do to be a sexy beast in the eyes of a woman that have absolutely nothing to do with looks or money. Here are a few things that make a man sexy to a woman.

Pick Up After Yourself

Seriously, this is hot. I'm not sure if it's a gene within the male species that makes self-care a difficult concept to grasp, but just know that there are many women out there who don't want children or if they have them, prefer them between the age of newborn and, well...whatever age a child gets to be. They most certainly do not want a man who needs taking care of like another member of the brood. Clean up after yourself, keep a neat house and your woman will be eating out of your hand. For real.

Take Her Out

Maybe you took your lady out at the beginning of your relationship but eventually ended up spending evenings on the couch, glued to the TV. How quaint. Get your ass off the sofa and make a date for dinner. Get yourself dressed up and remind her how much better you look when you're not impersonating a vagrant.

Be Sexy With Sex

Sure, everybody's different and some women may love being treated like one of the guys when it comes to sexy time, but you'll find a majority of women still prefer being treated as someone different from you, a woman. Since you aren't one, it's in your favor to ask what she likes, how hard or soft she likes it and then be open to the answer. It's not enough to ask what she likes and then go ahead and only do what you want. Better sex comes from a position of democracy as much as the position of 69, so listen to your woman and you'll both be rewarded.

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