Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Maintain Calm To Attract And Seduce Women - Composure Will Attract Women

Maintain Calm to Attract and Seduce Women - Composure Will Attract Women

Chase Tylerson

Calmness. A Zen-like state of unflappability. Women love it and it goes hand in hand with confidence and the appearance of success. If you have the ability to remain calm when everyone else if getting amped up or scared you will seem like a rock with the inconsequential sea of humanity the river rushing by you. Many women will gladly cling to your "rock" as they are swept past in the tumultuous sea of life. But how do you go about getting this inner calm? Read on.

Learning to be calm and increase composure to attract women

It is not easy to learn composure it mostly comes from within. You can gain a degree of it from being successful (from sports to work to yes... even from being successful with women) There are techniques like yoga and meditation that can increase your sense of calm and composure. The real secret is tough that real calm comes from within, knowing your place in the world, and being happy with your choices and decisions. Calm is really generated by self-knowledge, confidence and positive self image. You can and should constantly work to improve your inner sense of self to increase your composure.

You will not become composed overnight

There is no simple way to do it instantly. But you can fake it till you make it. Act composed enough and you will become composed. As you do this the women will see that you respect yourself and begin to respect you too. Soon enough you will be successful, all it takes is to try to have a confident and easy going manner. Simple.

How to us calm to seduce and attract women

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