Saturday, June 23, 2012

How To Attract Women - Does It Matter How Much Money You Make?

How to Attract Women - Does It Matter How Much Money You Make?

For a long, long time, ?it has been a stereotype that you need to be wealthy to attract good looking women. ?And some guys have really taken that idea to heart. ?There are some men that have income goals just in the hopes that this will make it easy for them to attract women. ?While it definitely does not hurt, ?it's not a necessity to attract a beautiful woman. ?Now, ?I am not saying that you should think that a gorgeous girl is going to want to date a guy that is dead broke, ?but you don't have to be rich to attract women.

Rationalizations play a big part in why this stereotype gets passed around. ?Guys wonder why some other guy that does not look like he would get a good looking girl does, ?and the automatic assumption is- he must have money. ?While that is true in some cases, ?it's not ALWAYS the truth.

Here are some tips that will help you attract women no matter what your bank account looks like:

1. ?If you are a fun guy to be around, ?women are going to want to be around you.

There are plenty of wealthy guys that are boring and dull and have next to no prospects in their dating lives. ?And there are plenty of guys that barely make enough to pay the rent, ?but are fun to be around, ?and they usually will have quite a few women that are interested in them. ?The more fun and sociable that you are, ?the more women are going to want to be around you, ?whether you have money or not.

2. ?A woman wants to find a man that knows how to interact with her.

Some guys are pretty much helpless in this department and they usually are the ones that struggle to attract women. ?You need to know how to communicate and interact with women if you want to be able to date a beautiful woman. ?Knowing how to talk to a woman means that you need to gain some experience, ?so don't be afraid to start conversations whenever you can, ?to pick up on what works to create attraction.

3. ?If you want to have women flirt with you, ?then you have to know how to flirt with her.

There is a certain amount of reciprocity that has to go on between you and a woman that you want to attract. ?And if she is flirting with you, ?then you better be able to flirt back with her, ?or else she will soon think of you as not her "type" even if you do seem to fit her other wants in a man.

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