Thursday, May 17, 2012

Approaching And Dating Shy Girls

Approaching and dating shy girls


The most important thing about trying to meet and date shy girls is - nothing is at seems. The interesting thing about shyness is that when a person is shy, many of their behaviours are repressed, so they end up acting in ways that send the wrong signal. And most of the time, this means... she can be super-interested in you, and come across as if though she doesn't like you. A shy girl has trouble saying she's interested, and she has trouble making a move and flirting back (even when she wants you badly!!).??

So is there a solution? Is the only solution to dating a shy girl to bother her until she's forced to say no or say yes???

Actually, yes there is. It requires patience, giving her space and not "needing" to be certain whether she wants you or not. Because see... no matter how shy a person is, they always have outbursts of confidence, and the only way you're going to see those, if you give her space to have them. What you need to is flirt with her, make your interest known, maybe even verbally... But never ever "require" her to make a decision or make a move. Just state your interest and continue being a friend. If she doesn't respond "favorably", which she won't if she's really shy... Don't take it as rejection, don't take as anything. Just keep being friendly and keep showing interest... But show that interest in a very "soft" way. By soft, I mean the opposite of a hard-interest... Something like (Hey, I like you, want to go out on a date with me and be my girlfriend?)... Nah, if she likes you that will make her sweat, lose breath and act weird. If she doesn't like you, she'll act the same (that's the problem with shy girls).??

So be soft. Show your interest in a way where she doesn't feel like she has to respond RIGHT NOW. Don't put stress on her. Make that interest like this long thing that's always happening silently in the background. You're primarily a friend, but you do always hint that sometime, someday you'd like to do something... Its no emergency. And if you treat her this way, when she does get that confidence outburst, she will make the move. From there, its easy.?

But, REMEMBER, the thing that will really make all the difference is YOU. I mean how you are with women in general. How do you stack up with women. None of these tips will you help you with that shy girl if you're not a master of dating in general. How do you stack up with other men? What are your REAL skills with women. Take the quiz to find out.?

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