Monday, May 14, 2012

What Do Women Want From Men?

What Do Women Want From Men?

Myla Madson

Women want a lot of things, I know this because I am one. Contrary to "popular" belief chivalry is not dead, actually far from it. No matter how successful and independent a woman is she wants to be treated with respect, not as one of the guys. Women have to be tough to survive in this world, so the last thing they're looking for is a guy that's going to be hard on them--demanding, like careers can sometimes be.


Regardless of her personality insecurity affects everyone, especially women. By blowing off messages/calls/texts you're showing her that you don't care about her. As soon as a guy stops calling (i.e. you used to call her all the time but have stopped) she figures that you've lost interest. Make it a point to return calls, even if you don't have much to say.


When you first started dating you both dressed to the nines! And then eventually you (or both of you) started to see sweatpants as an acceptable outfit to wear to dinner. This is wrong! Get back to the way things were, put a little effort into yourself. Take a shower, put some cologne on, wear clean clothes--do something to show her that you're still trying to catch her eye. Putting effort into yourself again is going to send your stock through the roof. Trust me, she'll love it.


One of the single most important things a man has to have to attract a woman, get a number, or date her is confidence. Confidence is sexy because it shows her that she doesn't have to be your mother, you're perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. Don't put confidence into the category of just physical it comes from inside. Well rounded men are attractive--not those that are rich or well built, women are smart enough to understand that one day those things will go away, there has to be some substance to keep her around.

*Don't confuse confidence with cockiness. Acting like a jerk won't get you anywhere. Constantly belittling those around you or making yourself look good at others expense is no way to attract a woman.

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